Services Provided

CharityMobi volunteers provide relief aid while sharing happiness and love for the children we serve.  Our motto "HAPPY TO HELP"  describes the big hearts of our volunteers and our supporting donors.


  • CharityMobi provides the MobiEHR® World Health-Relief Aid Program. This program provides relief aid and medical supplies directly to qualified medically needy children globally.
  • We provide the MobiEHR® World Health Relief Aid survey to identify the medical and health related relief aid needs of each registered child. We show our donors the specific relief aid supplies that are needed to save children's lives!
  • CharityMobi provides the MobiEHR® cards for orphanages, medical care providers, dispensaries, and health clinics in remote locations in Africa that have no  access to the internet. Grants and Donors support the costs for the cards, computer and card readers.
  • CharityMobi provides MobiEHR® Health Id cards for emergency  relief aid physicians in the US and foreign countries. We provide MobiEHR® Health ID cards for faith based missionaries serving in foreign countries. There is no charge for the cards. Donors and grants support CharityMobi's bulk purchase of MobiEHR® Health ID cards to be provided for relief aid use, to provide medical records for medically needy children globally.
  • CharityMobi provides MobiEHR® Health Id cards for the emergency transport of children. We provide the cards free of charge to any health facility for emergency transport of children, or for emergency transport teams worldwide.

CharityMobi recruits volunteers to travel to orphanages, clinics and dispensaries in Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda to deliver computers, card readers and MobiEHR® card stock for the registration of children to receive the MobiEHR® Health ID cards.

When a relief aid physician comes, the card may be used to update the ICD-10 medical history. The information is saved into the microchip,the internet is not required, therefore it may be used in remote areas without internet service. The card provides documentation of the full ICD-10 health record, vaccines,  prescriptions, lab results and physician notes,  so long as the medical care provider inputs and saves those records into the microchip via the card reader. 

The card reader must be attached to a notebook computer that has been loaded with software program to operate the cards. CharityMobi sends a flash drive to load software, along with card readers and MobiEHR® card stock. 

When the next relief aid team comes to provide vaccines, prescriptions or health care services; the orphanage or relief aid agency provides the computer and the card reader and the cards to the visiting physician to view previous history for the children, then the physician or health provider updates the new ICD-10 treatment that was provided. The MobiEHR® card is translated into 18 languages for relief aid medical care teams.

CharityMobi seeks to deploy computers and card readers for many relief aid providers to provide the cards, and also deploy systems for local dispensaries and hospitals. 

As the system begins to be deployed in  Grenada, Tanzania, Kenya , Rwanda and other countries, we hope that this uniform system of card readers and software will be universally used by relief aid agencies worldwide.



The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight international development goals that all 192 United Nations member states and at least 23 international organizations have agreed to achieve by the year 2015. They include eradicating extreme poverty, reducing child mortality rates, fighting disease epidemics such as AIDS, and developing a global partnership for development.

The aim of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are to encourage development by improving social and economic conditions in the world's poorest countries. They derive from earlier international development targets,[2] and were officially established at the Millennium Summit in 2000, where all world leaders present adopted the United Nations Millennium Declaration, from which the eight goals were promoted. 




CharityMobi. Inc. 1675 Chevron Way, STE 1 Sandy Springs, Goergia 30350 Tel: (770) 912-9333 Skype: charitymobi Youtube | Twitter | Facebook